The Golden Hummingbird Podcast

Death is only the beginning; insights from the other side

Foster Perry & Kristos T. Perry Season 1 Episode 11

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In this episode, we share our experience with death, near death, and all the possible dimensions that come with the adventure when traveling through the spiritual realms. We delve into the various aspects of soul experience as well as share as usual, our own tale on how me experienced the other side  

00:00:16:18 - 00:00:27:01
Hi, everybody. Hi. We are back with another episode for our podcast. I know we're not very regular, but, you know, we're doing our.

00:00:27:03 - 00:00:29:07
Best. We're going to become much more regular now.

00:00:29:10 - 00:00:31:02
I hope so. Because, you know.

00:00:31:25 - 00:00:32:19
We move now.

00:00:33:03 - 00:00:49:29
We got sick. We got sick again. We coughed everything. But now again, be happy we're not in the bedroom. So you still have our portraits behind us. And these fabulous pieces from Frank would be, if you want to look him up as an amazing artist. And we have these two little

00:00:51:24 - 00:01:33:24
figurines which are called the Lost Boys. Yeah, they're they're very nice. And, you know, eventually we're going to take you on a tour through our art work that we have. We collect art, of course, but today we want to dedicate interesting enough this episode to death. Death and dying. And funnily enough, today is 12th, 12th, 22. And we went and just did our will in a very grown up way. My little beneficiary was a lawyer with a lawyer and everything, and so I know it's not the most comfortable theme or subject to discuss, but it's going to come up eventually at some point in your life.

00:01:34:09 - 00:01:58:25
You see. And it's interesting how we approach life and death, especially if you look at it from an ancient point. You're going to go to the Egyptian view, the Bardo, how so many civilizations had a very similar interpretation of death. And of course, that I can't give you my perspective because I talked to more dead people than living. And sometimes I don't know who's who.

00:02:00:03 - 00:02:02:05
And there's no such thing as death, Really?

00:02:02:07 - 00:02:04:24
Well, there is a such thing as death, but it's not.

00:02:04:26 - 00:02:05:24
As the transition.

00:02:05:26 - 00:02:25:08
There's a transition. There's a moment of the passing and there are different kind of passings, of course, because it depends if somebody dies in his sleep, for example. I mean, we can talk at some point. I'm going to mention the people who die and don't know they're dead because it's such a very gentle death or.

00:02:25:16 - 00:02:29:05
That was my first incarnation on Earth to. Right. I didn't know what death.

00:02:29:07 - 00:02:30:01
Was right.

00:02:30:08 - 00:02:33:02
And I didn't know where to go afterwards.

00:02:33:04 - 00:03:08:20
Well, we see this a lot with people who were incarnated for the first time. They do exist, trust me, they do exist. And what's interesting is they live almost reckless. If I can give you a directive, like when you look at something like James Dean, Janis Joplin, these are first timers. When I go into that past life, there are no past lives, at least the earth past lives. So they come here and you see this kind of reckless behavior driving, drinking, sex, drugs, rock and roll, and who cares? And it's very, again, in that motto.

00:03:08:29 - 00:03:11:05
And you would think, why would somebody like this be so

00:03:12:27 - 00:03:16:03
extreme in how they handle life? Because they don't have any.

00:03:16:27 - 00:03:18:00
Experience on Earth.

00:03:18:02 - 00:03:25:24
Exactly. They have nothing. Exactly. And that's sometimes we see with, you know, the extreme sports. Extreme sports. Exactly.

00:03:25:26 - 00:03:28:15
People who are trying everything, jumping off everything.

00:03:28:17 - 00:03:29:02

00:03:29:07 - 00:03:30:17
A few incarnations.

00:03:30:19 - 00:03:59:26
Few or none. Okay. We always talk about past lives and incarnations, but very rarely we mention how our souls come as first timers and have really no prior experience. And indeed, the way Foster says it, I've seen people in a very again, the work is almost. Fearless and reckless way. It's as if they almost want to die. They want to risk it, so to speak.

00:04:00:07 - 00:04:01:03
But you go to rehab.

00:04:01:16 - 00:04:32:14
You know that singer? Well, that even that didn't help. But Amy Winehouse was a first time incarnation. Exactly. You know. But the idea is here, let's go at the beginning of our human history. And we are watching a show lately about the new findings of civilization and how much they have to push that number back now yet again. So it's the endless fight with archaeologists and scientists. Right. But the thing is.

00:04:32:17 - 00:04:34:15
When were these sacred centers built?

00:04:34:17 - 00:04:36:01
Sacred centers experiencing.

00:04:36:03 - 00:04:38:09
It back to 9560.

00:04:38:22 - 00:04:40:01
But they can't yet

00:04:42:07 - 00:04:56:19
carbon date stone. I think they need organic material. But, you know, there is new evidence there that how how much further our civilization goes. And it is interesting to see when they excavate

00:04:58:26 - 00:05:23:25
grave sites how sophisticated it is, even if we think our primitive ancestors. Right. Were just, you know, lying around eating each other. Not really. Really. There was an understanding and a a feeling of sensation, if you want, of something after the eternal sleep. And so when we look, of course, at the Bardo Egypt, we look at the Mayans. Right.

00:05:24:06 - 00:05:34:00
And we're even burying people now in the fetal position in an egg. Right. Which is something quite ancient, like in Peru, where people are always buried, like.

00:05:34:11 - 00:05:35:00
A fetal.

00:05:35:02 - 00:05:49:29
Fetus is dead. So because death is a transition to a new life, we leave one thing which is physically physical nation into the astral imagination. The and and eventually we die in the astral and we move into the mental. And

00:05:50:06 - 00:06:18:26
you go way too far now. But the thing is that the death process is not just limited to earth. Now, you know, we are dying in our various bodies in order to be reborn in a much higher vibration. How do you go to a higher vibration? You don't go, you know, you wake up from bed and then go to the toilet and suddenly you're a high vibration. No, that's not how it works. So every transitional experience is a higher vibrational experience.

00:06:19:06 - 00:06:21:15
And being physical is quite a temporary state.

00:06:22:11 - 00:06:23:01
Oh, yes, of course.

00:06:23:03 - 00:06:30:24
We are spiritual beings. We are astral beings in mental beings inhabiting a physical body just for a time.

00:06:30:27 - 00:07:02:06
Right, Right. But the idea is also, again, fascinating is because we went to Egypt twice this year and it was so fascinating to see how serious they were taking the idea of burials of of of the afterlife in the same thing, embalming in India, it's all about what have I done in my past life to deserve this and what can I do now to make it better next time? It's a completely normal view of perspective, you see.

00:07:02:08 - 00:07:11:04
Well, when you die, you certainly go through an orientation because as like you imagine, it's eternal, even though it's not really a tunnel. That's just how your eyes.

00:07:11:12 - 00:08:00:09
Let's say, let's say this is quite an interesting field now, because I think from Dr. Michael Newman to draws, Ken and all these people who are not psychic, not spiritual, they're they're just therapists who basically tumbled into the. Into the subject of the death experiences, for example, through hypnosis and past life regression. And of course, now it's a much, much broader field and much more, much more scientifically approached, we want to say, which is so interesting because whenever we read about past life or about, excuse me, about near-death experiences, no matter the elimination, that no matter the race, they always see the same thing.

00:08:00:11 - 00:08:31:00
And of course, medicine says it's deprivation of oxygen. Though the brain hallucinates, goes off and then you're dead. And that might be. But then the question is, why is this the symbolism always the same? The tunnel, the light, the peace, the love. You know, my favorite dog came my parrot, my mother, my sister, my friend to pick me up. You know, it's interesting because in the end, these you know, when when we're.

00:08:31:02 - 00:08:32:26
Seeing Christ, we're seeing a spiritual and.

00:08:32:28 - 00:08:33:13

00:08:33:15 - 00:08:35:04
Being and they bring you to.

00:08:35:06 - 00:09:07:05
The angels and so on. But the idea is, from my perspective as a child, that I've been more connected to dead people or dying people than living people, is that they explained to me this process that it's not a tunnel to one place, it is a transitional space. They call it a tunnel where you're going to a place of your personal orientation. In other words, a first timer on this planet will not go on a high level of material.

00:09:07:09 - 00:09:08:16
That's not happening.

00:09:08:18 - 00:09:14:29
The level of vibration that you lived here. Your particular level of vibration is where you go when you die.

00:09:15:04 - 00:09:19:04
Your development here, but also your overall development.

00:09:19:06 - 00:09:19:21
For many of.

00:09:20:01 - 00:09:51:13
Many experiences, this is not the only planet, thank God, where we incarnate. But the idea is indeed that you cannot enter a seventh dimension if you don't have the capacity to withstand the gravity, if you want, of the pressure of the fourth dimension. So that has nothing to do with it, has nothing to do with earning it or deserving it. It is simply somebody who cannot swim, will not go and start diving. Deep diving right away you die. I mean, literally you die, you see.

00:09:51:18 - 00:10:24:02
And so this is the first element is that orientation place. But that place of orientation is a place that provides you first with a sense of peace and looks exactly like where you've been to reduce. And this is the intelligence of the universe, to reduce the trauma of being from one dimension to another dimension. But beside this, we also hear about people who've been in a coma, who've been in accidents, and suddenly they wake up and they have near-death experience.

00:10:24:04 - 00:10:37:18
They can describe them out of the body. I can hear everybody, but also they do come back with something. Some have healing abilities. Some can hear, some can see, some have visions, some can speak language, and people.

00:10:37:20 - 00:10:38:18
Have their heart open.

00:10:38:20 - 00:10:42:27
So. Right. I mean, there is something interesting happening here and.

00:10:43:09 - 00:10:45:01
Closer when you get closer to the spiritual.

00:10:45:03 - 00:11:06:04
And therefore, the way I understood the realm of death, of the realm of this transition is that it's not just a place of transition, but it's also a place of alteration of your karmic path. In other words, if you feel something is missing or not, complete it.

00:11:08:20 - 00:11:19:00
There can be a sort of intervention that puts you out of your physicality. And in that realm of death, death is just

00:11:22:08 - 00:11:55:15
a part of the Akashic Records, by the way. So it's not only a place where we go and die. It is a place where we get knowledge or we can also alter some knowledge. So people come back and suddenly they have this abilities or skills or a certain understanding of it. But I want to make sure death is not just, you know, the guy with a you know, with the Black Hood hookups, it picks you up and now we're going to being punished that unless you're Christian or religious, have fun with that story.

00:11:55:27 - 00:11:58:14
That's not true. It's not. It's not real.

00:11:58:17 - 00:12:05:06
More important is that you are not judged after you die. I know a lot of people don't want to die because they think they're going to be judged for whatever they do.

00:12:05:09 - 00:12:05:24

00:12:06:03 - 00:12:20:25
And I think we have to destroy that idea now. We have to really help people to realize this. You only judge yourself after you die. But and in fact, it is like going before council and you are reviewing your own life.

00:12:20:27 - 00:12:48:04
Yeah, but it's a review, not a judgment. It's not a tribunal and say, Oh, my God, what did he do? It's really a when you're ready. When you're ready, no matter when that is. Let's sit down and let's go through the experience. And if there is still remember, if that is your desire, you don't have to know. Some people even say, Just get me the hell out of here. You know, get Mike out as far as you. Absolutely. But, you know.

00:12:48:15 - 00:12:49:00
I don't know.

00:12:49:02 - 00:12:50:14
What I said. I came back.

00:12:50:18 - 00:12:57:21
We lived in Los Angeles because Crystal said when he dies, he goes straight to Mulholland Drive to his house on the other side.

00:12:57:23 - 00:13:00:23
Right on the other side, I have a building on Mulholland Drive.

00:13:00:25 - 00:13:07:14
So he said, let's move to L.A., because when I die, I can just hop, skip and jump to my other side.

00:13:07:29 - 00:13:17:08
Silly. But the idea is a first house in L.A., where we lived for 20 years was literally 10 minutes on Mulholland Drive. We lived right there around the corner.

00:13:17:23 - 00:13:21:04
So do you still believe that's really your house, that you will always go back to that house?

00:13:21:06 - 00:13:54:05
It's an attic I built. I said it in one of our podcasts, one of the very, very first experiences when you go to a mystery school is, at least in my experience, we had to build a place on the other side. They didn't tell us why, but we built a place on the other side and mine was on Mulholland Drive because I had a book about the U.S. and in the middle of this huge tome, was it this classic, very famous image of Mulholland Drive that oversees the Valley? And I said, That's where I'm going to build my house.

00:13:54:09 - 00:14:26:04
So that's where I built the house. Therefore, if I shed this physical body, you know, I'm going to go to this place. And the reason why we did it is to know that we are dead, to know that we have transition, because that transition can happen so quick and so smooth that I'm telling you, 60, 70% of people who die don't know it. They think they're recovered miraculously and go home and then are surprised you don't know the illness.

00:14:26:06 - 00:14:30:07
You're not sick anymore. Nothing is all of it. Even the mental illness, everything leads.

00:14:30:09 - 00:14:42:05
Exactly. But it is so realistic. Again, it's a form of reality that they can't tell the difference now. You know, it.

00:14:42:07 - 00:14:47:18
Is like falling asleep for a second, like taking a nap and then you wake up. Except that's what death is.

00:14:47:21 - 00:15:19:07
Exactly. That's exactly what it is. It is a moment of like this. You know, it's not when we see it, when we see our parents or friends or children and they and they are dying this heavy death and finally they have the loss. It's not like this before the body ends, which is usually about 48 hours. This spiritual part has detached already. So what you're dealing with is the aftermath of the personality. It's like an echo if you want.

00:15:19:12 - 00:15:22:01
But we would say in a funny way, no one's home.

00:15:22:11 - 00:15:33:16
Well, two of my friends, while they were dying, decided to broadcast it on the Internet and one did it much more quietly. Maria Quant When she was dying in Santa Fe,

00:15:35:09 - 00:16:06:24
she was quite young and she was giving the play by play. And now I'm going towards the pyramid and she had 12 people meditating around her while she died. So Maria said, You know, I love you, Foster. You're an authentic, spiritual person. You know, the one person I really trust. I'm going to give you a sign after I die to show you that this there's much more after death. Of course, I already believe that. Whatever. But Maria, I met her when I wanted to go through a death process. I was 28 years old and my Saturn return and I wanted to go into somebody.

00:16:07:29 - 00:16:42:20
No, you know, I kind of induced it, so I stopped eating. I fasted like a shaman, you know, I went away into the desert, all that kind of stuff. And I had somebody, Richard Champion, who was watching over me. He was whenever I needed to eat or I needed water, whatever, he helped me and I voluntarily died. Now, right after that, she died. Maria. And she did a play by play explaining, I'm going to see you again. And then I had a dream right after she died, you know, a few months later in which she came naked in a raincoat.

00:16:42:22 - 00:17:15:10
And it was raining. Just staring at me. And I woke up very suddenly in my sleep to say that there's more. Beyond the veil. I'm there and I'm in a purification process. The rain, you know, fertility. Another thing that happened when I was hit by lightning. You know, I have no memory, really, of the whole thing. I know that my my shoes were knocked off and I was lying on the ground and people want to take me. That's why I said, no, no, no. I'm all I'm fine. I don't like to go to hospitals. I just take me, you know, to lie down at home.

00:17:16:01 - 00:17:53:23
And I just remember that feeling of the other side. One time I woke up in a dream and I was in orientation and there was a woman at a desk and she was just looking at me like, What are you doing here? Go back. You're that it's not your time to die. You like to come and visit. And another time. There are a lot of experiences with death. I had an image of the mother of God and she was just standing there and there were just gates. Huge gates. And the gates opened and of course, all the air was filled with bells and the sound of millions of bells.

00:17:53:25 - 00:18:06:04
And it was just so beautiful. And I was drawn to go to the other side and be with her. And then I realized, no, I have to come back here. And when you died, you were in a coma twice. So what happened to you?

00:18:06:11 - 00:18:40:13
I know. I remember. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember sitting on my bed, on my bed, looking at my body. And I had this drip and the night nurse was supposed to watch that drip, you know, pay attention. And I saw her sleeping. And I remember so vividly, I mean, so clear to me even today, I remember it. And when I came out physically of that coma, you know, people were like, surprised because I woke up with no damage.

00:18:40:15 - 00:18:46:20
Basically, I had meningitis. So it was a very serious thing. And interesting enough,

00:18:48:18 - 00:19:24:23
we were standing all together and I opened my eyes and you know that talk to me and look, if I'm okay. And all I see is to this nurse, you shouldn't sleep at night. You know, it's serious. You have to watch that drip. You really shouldn't sleep. I mean, her eyes bugged out. Her eyes popped out. You know, it like, what the hell is going on here? But to this day, I remember it very well. But also, Fossa, you mentioned something which I want to tell. I think that and this I heard a million times is that we dream often or in the dream state, we can enter the other side with absolutely no problems.

00:19:25:01 - 00:19:55:21
Four or five times a week, we actually go to the spiritual side to recharge of batteries. We do this anyway, by the way. So that's why they called sleep the little death or the little brother or the small brother of death. And I remember I remember my father before he passed, my father said, hardly talk to me ever. But he came one day and he said, I had this vivid dream that my father, my mother, my brother came, that all had passed already.

00:19:55:23 - 00:20:20:19
But then and they were like in the room in the space. Hmm. And. Though I can't read for myself anything, really. It stayed with me. It was so specific. And then I dreamt that he was on a boat and or like a like a small boat. And the boat sank. And I saw it from the

00:20:22:06 - 00:20:42:05
from the beach. And I. I ran into the water. I swam over, saved him, gave him in this tiki bar something to drink and a blanket. And then he had this huge book in his hand and it said, Thank you for saving me, but I have to leave you anyway.

00:20:44:16 - 00:20:57:14
And then I woke up and I think for two weeks I cried every day because. You know, even not seeing it, I knew something would happen and it happened, I think, well, two weeks later, basically.

00:20:57:16 - 00:21:23:21
After you die, especially in a car crash or in some sort of illness in which, you know, you're not going to come back except more like a vegetable or you're going to come back quite you know, you're going to encumber the people around you. Yeah. With quite a lot of bills. Let me. So a lot of people are making that decision in that moment while they're on the you know, while they're out of their body and they're on the other side and they decide, I don't want to come.

00:21:23:23 - 00:21:26:24
Back and you're jumping ahead. But the idea is indeed.

00:21:29:24 - 00:21:58:10
People make decisions to come back when they see that their body is not going to have any permanent damage. Very often in sessions when people died, you know, the young daughter of a friend of ours died. And she said and she she said to him, I could have come back, but the body would have been such a burden on pretty much everybody. And I didn't see any value in coming back into a immobile quality. And that's why.

00:21:58:12 - 00:22:01:10
Being a burden for the family. Well, they said, I want to be a burden.

00:22:01:23 - 00:22:02:14

00:22:02:16 - 00:22:03:01
That's why.

00:22:03:03 - 00:22:34:25
I'm not. Exactly. And so that is one. What a gentleman, Richard. Let me let you just say this because you started it because my father showed up to me a year after he passed. I was waiting for him a year, a year later, and I was ironing, watching Bollywood movies and ironing. That's what I do for relaxation. And suddenly he was sitting there on my sofa. Like the way we buried him, you know. So I do believe that the last outfit you wear is your death outfit.

00:22:34:27 - 00:22:52:15
So I'm going to make sure I'm wearing good stuff, you know? No. If I keel over, I want to wear some black boots or. Anyway, a Chanel bag. And there he was. And I said to him, Where have you been? I'm waiting for you for a year. He looked at me like a minute. I just left 10 minutes ago.

00:22:52:29 - 00:22:53:27
Very different sense of.

00:22:53:29 - 00:23:19:09
So no sense of time. Really. No sense of time. And interesting enough, there was this. That was our most deepest conversation. In my 32 years. I had him. Up to that moment. It was the deepest conversation and I realized that he already in for me a year. He went through some sort of review, some sort of review.

00:23:21:05 - 00:23:26:12
Hmm. It you know, he never showed up again after that. Never again. But

00:23:28:05 - 00:23:58:11
quite often. Quite often. You know what we call a haunted house, for example? It's not haunted. It's just that somebody lives there, doesn't know he's dead. Shows up and says, Who are these people? Opening my drawers, you know, And my house leave my house. Exactly. This movie, The Sixth Sense. Excellent. I can tell you that whoever consulted on that got it almost right. And the other one better, actually, is a movie with Nicole Kidman, which is.

00:24:00:02 - 00:24:04:29
The others. That is all about a complete.

00:24:05:24 - 00:24:06:10
Right and.

00:24:06:12 - 00:24:20:05
Very correct idea of what happens when somebody dies in a trauma unexpected or even in a suicide. A suicide is, of course, that passing that is not allowed. Yes.

00:24:20:07 - 00:24:20:22

00:24:20:24 - 00:24:52:18
This is where you don't break your contract, but. Most suicides are bipolar conditions that are schizophrenic, manic depressive bipolar conditions. So these people are being picked up. You know what I mean? They're not going to be left to their own devices for a judge, you know, because their do it. Now, not at all. They're doing it in that moment. So they're being picked up. But when somebody is out of evil, intent, out of negativity and.

00:24:52:21 - 00:24:56:13
Jealousy, out of vengeance, and they kill themselves.

00:24:56:27 - 00:25:25:26
Okay. So, you know, these kind of people, they don't make it back. No, they don't go through and they shoot right back into an incarnation. Have to you know, they become these unexpected pregnancies, impossible pregnancies. And here we are. And they can start all over again. So there is a differentiation of what causes a suicide. And I can tell you, most people.

00:25:28:13 - 00:25:51:13
We say in English they're taking their own life, which is quite an interesting way of saying it. I'm taking my own life. It's almost like I'm claiming it. I'm reclaiming it in that sense. And that's what they want. But these people think that suicide is the way to reclaim it. But it's the feeling that they want to reclaim.

00:25:51:15 - 00:26:08:20
But you often say when somebody commits suicide, they don't have a spiritual guide in the next life. They have no one there. Many times they will incarnate even in a god forsaken place because they didn't finish their life plan and they have to finish it out in a quite a quite a difficulty.

00:26:08:22 - 00:26:33:17
Without making it sound like a punishment. But the thing is, it's that one deal in the cosmic contract that you don't break ever. But again, there's intelligence which still says this person didn't commit suicide out of out of no nastiness ahead of We had out of my mother had a friend who in and her son was married to a psychotic person, basically. I mean, she was just a nutcase.

00:26:34:03 - 00:26:36:14
But would you mean that she's schizoid?

00:26:36:18 - 00:27:09:17
She was really, really often I remember her changing personality suddenly, and I remember that she hung herself and she hung herself. And she left a note, a letter that she claimed he beat her and he did not. The guy was I mean, I'm telling you, the guy was, first of all, incredibly overweight. He was too lazy to get up and get a bottle of water, let alone beat a woman, though. And there were people around and there was none of that. And so she committed suicide out of malice.

00:27:10:06 - 00:27:27:21
I can guarantee you she should write back into uterus somewhere, somehow, somewhere, and has to figure out life. Now, again, I always say they show up without guides because there's not there's no concept. But I do believe that there.

00:27:29:07 - 00:27:29:22

00:27:31:22 - 00:27:58:01
Companion guides. Stay with them. I just experienced that sometimes. Sake. When this happens, we have to really find a way to reconnect with them because there is an abrupt disconnect of of connection. You know what I mean? Is just like she incarnates now in India and the guy in South America. Like, what the hell did you end up? A bit of.

00:27:58:03 - 00:27:58:26
A mess when you come.

00:27:58:29 - 00:28:32:14
It's a mess. It's a mess. But it depends on the state of mind you're in. Yes. And again, suicide. And to all the people, please get help if you feel this. And it's normal to feel it, by the way, because, you know, once a month, you know, you get that feeling thing. What the hell am I doing here? But look, get over it. Please, get help. There are many good sources where you can get help if you feel this. But trust me. Trust me. You want it is about taking your life.

00:28:32:26 - 00:28:34:17
Reclaiming your life.

00:28:34:19 - 00:29:06:10
So when I was in college, my very first day at Georgetown, there was a girl and I had nothing. I just saw her out of the corner of my eye a few times, and I was walking down the hall, and there she was in her room. So I walked in and I sat down with her and she was about to commit suicide. And basically just coming into her room, talking to her, you know, making her feel better. Yeah. She didn't commit suicide, which always shocks me when I see you and you know someone's committing suicide, but you don't do anything.

00:29:07:08 - 00:29:08:08
You never interfere?

00:29:08:10 - 00:29:08:25

00:29:09:02 - 00:29:11:17
I always interfere. But Christos never does.

00:29:12:23 - 00:29:28:09
Mm hmm. Because it's free will. You know it's true, Will. And sometimes you don't know if you say something, if it's going to make it worse and push it through or if you you know, it's a contrast. It's oh.

00:29:28:18 - 00:29:30:06
I trust that I'm there at the right time.

00:29:30:09 - 00:29:30:24

00:29:30:26 - 00:29:39:09
But ultimately and it's happened a few times. People about to commit suicide. And then they find me. And then we have a conversation or I work on them or whatever.

00:29:40:00 - 00:29:41:14
But I think also, you know.

00:29:41:26 - 00:29:42:11
It's a.

00:29:42:13 - 00:29:56:28
Choice. Again, it is a form of death, which, as Foster says, it leaves a mess. It leaves the mess for the soul. It leaves them as for the people, it leaves them as for those who have to catch you, you know. And eventually, the person who has to give birth to you.

00:29:57:10 - 00:30:37:09
Well, Annie Gillon, you know, she was a healer and very close friend of mine, and she had all these Filipino healers working on her. And, you know, she tried everything, but she was dying of cancer. And so she went on the television and she started to explain all the stages of her Bado process. Mm hmm. And then finally she died. Mm hmm. She. She wanted to explain it. You know, now I can taste anything. Now I can smell anything. Now. I can't feel anything, actually. And the idea was she was trying to capture on film the soul, the spirit, whatever, leaving the body as this orb.

00:30:37:11 - 00:31:11:23
And we were always taught in shamanism. And she was in a group that I was in where we had to see this light, this ball of light, you know, floating this light floating out of somebodies body, sometimes out of the heart, sometimes out of the top of the head. Mm hmm. And you were always guided by shamans. Get them out the top of the head. And help them. You know, once they get out, they help them to the other side always. And we did that through lighting a candle. Whenever we lit a candle in shamanism, we made a doorway out of the candle flame.

00:31:12:21 - 00:31:43:13
And you could read a book or you could say prayers or you could, you know, do an intention, whatever. But you create a space in which that candle light is a golden wide doorway to the other side, like the tunnel. And you see the doorway very clearly. I know they use this in many TV shows later, but in shamanism we had to light a candle. You know, some people do pendulums. I give you 10 minutes, one hour or until midnight to leave. And you would ask the spirit or the soul to pass through the candle flame to the other side.

00:31:44:23 - 00:31:46:12
Some people use pendulums with that.

00:31:46:14 - 00:31:47:12
You know, as many ways to do it.

00:31:47:14 - 00:31:47:29
In many.

00:31:48:01 - 00:31:49:26
Ways. But the idea is.

00:31:50:24 - 00:31:54:18
And this all passes through, you know, when they've passed because you feel a peace.

00:31:54:20 - 00:31:55:05

00:31:55:07 - 00:32:02:09
You feel okay. And for me, I just see it. I see them going through the door and I feel them there on the other side.

00:32:02:11 - 00:32:09:10
Again, it doesn't mean that the body is dead. No, the body has its separate timing if you want,

00:32:10:26 - 00:32:17:08
not the spirit. And it's not the soul who incarnates. The soul always removes in the other.

00:32:17:10 - 00:32:18:05
Stuff in this soul.

00:32:18:07 - 00:32:33:23
World. When people say I lost my soul, it's a stupid thing to say because you can't lose it. It's always part of your companionship, which is guides, angels, even demons or whatever you want. There's a dimension of this. There's a dimension of soul.

00:32:33:25 - 00:32:44:24
And in shamanism, you have to go to a place where your soul lives in its dimension. And once you go there, you're absolutely know. Okay, that's the soul untouched, no matter what happens in your home.

00:32:44:26 - 00:32:56:28
Well, that's what we did. You know, we had to go to the astral level and start building a home just in case something might happen so that we know I'm here. I'm definitely not physically alive anymore.

00:32:57:00 - 00:33:04:18
Which brings me to the question, will I go back to the island that I live on, the island of the birds and all these animals when I die.

00:33:04:20 - 00:33:05:05

00:33:05:16 - 00:33:18:20
Because I have this island, you know, full of animals, you know, where the lion is down with the lamb. Everything happens there. But it's the island of birds where I teach the language of birds, which is the spiritual language. And it means many things.

00:33:19:04 - 00:33:21:15
But it's it's something that you build at some point.

00:33:21:18 - 00:33:29:21
It's an alchemical language. Yes. And I built it. It's quite a pride of place. And everybody who knows me has visited me there before they met me here.

00:33:30:27 - 00:33:37:12
No, it's it again. We all have our different levels. I, I kind of

00:33:39:12 - 00:34:10:19
I used to separate layers like a department store, basically. But, you know, it's really much more a form of a very melting into each other city. It's like when you take Rome, New York and Paris and Tokyo and you melded together. So one part of you might not be interested in the Tokyo part, but it will go to the New York part, so to speak. But it's it it felt for me when I was a child, often very segmented in that.

00:34:11:07 - 00:34:12:20
Because there's the orientation.

00:34:12:22 - 00:34:13:23
There's the orientation level.

00:34:13:25 - 00:34:25:21
There's there's a level of nature on the other side where all the animals exist, all all of the different continents, including Lemuria, Atlanta, Sahara. This is where you learn about the Gobi Desert. All the different civilizations choose.

00:34:26:03 - 00:34:27:23
To remain in the astral.

00:34:28:09 - 00:34:28:25

00:34:28:27 - 00:34:47:07
Realm of this planet, because some of us, we take the first seat, first class mother of Pluto. Absolutely. Another another guy, you know, sometimes, you know, which is much more you know, again, I don't want to say it's much more better or exciting because they have other issues.

00:34:47:09 - 00:34:54:29
But you call that the third level. The third level is the level of nature where you can study nature and you can be with trees and steel.

00:34:55:06 - 00:35:04:18
And it's the it's the it's the place of healing in a vibrate the vibration level. It would be 110 hertz, so to speak. And so it is that clean

00:35:06:04 - 00:35:25:29
nature. So that's when nature nature heals itself. And you would be surprised how many people really even who don't need to go there, you know, the higher they go to that place of nature, that is what we call Gaia. Gaia is not another name for the earth. It is the realm of nature on the astral level.

00:35:26:09 - 00:35:51:28
But on the second level, we have the towers. So many people, when they die and they have had a traumatic life or they're very tired, you know, they're exhausted from life. They go to the towers, and the towers is a place where the whole spirits heal. People see them as angels, but their spirits and it's like a hospital. It's what hospitals are based on. Yeah, and it is on the other side. And that's where you go for spas. You go for healing. You can rest.

00:35:52:03 - 00:36:14:21
Yeah, you can sleep, you can get treatments. It's really it's a whole complex. It's almost like it's almost like as big as a city, basically. But it is a place where all kinds of soul sorts of souls, not just human, but all kinds of souls go there, restart. Yes. And go through a rehabilitation sentence or

00:36:16:12 - 00:36:24:09
therapy if you want. You know what I mean? Others get just some spa treatments. We would say second level. That's the second level. And then there are many temples.

00:36:24:11 - 00:36:25:02
On the second level.

00:36:25:13 - 00:36:59:02
There is a lot what we would call there are places of experience. And this is why when my father passed and I was happy about it, said not only did I see the light, but I heard the music. And so when people hear music, they hear the purity beyond the orientation, which is the place. Of frequency. And this is when we hear the healing sounds, what we call binaural beats. No. Or sulfate. You bounce all the bells, you know, and believe me and my gut said the music that they hear is the sound that only animals can hear.

00:36:59:16 - 00:37:07:11
So only animals hear that frequency. That is the healing frequency of the second level. Yeah.

00:37:07:13 - 00:37:15:25
Then third levels nature. I like to be there because of shamanism and I like to be with trees. And you know, I have every, every incarnation.

00:37:17:20 - 00:37:20:11
Then we go to the level of art and creativity.

00:37:21:11 - 00:37:44:29
Aesthetic beauty, creativity, creativity, visionary energy to ordinary, you know. Yeah, I call it the futuristic level because you do see, of course, the results of the past, but you also see the results of the future, you know, and you see where humanity goes, where other civilizations go. You see the lost civilizations and you know.

00:37:45:04 - 00:37:51:24
So you create there. So whatever you create there, you can bring it in another incarnation here if you want.

00:37:52:26 - 00:38:24:16
You know, you can become a a carrier. Of codes of sort. The first level really for me is a decoding. Place. It is a place where certain buildings, structures, geometric forms. There's a place that I call the place of formation because it's full of. Crop circles. And basically each crop circles you go inside. And it tells you exactly as a data download, what it means, where it goes, where it comes from.

00:38:24:18 - 00:38:50:23
Because the plane information, the white on wide world that we we meditate to like Krishnamurti did an entire house in Ojai. White on white and white. He was attempting to do the plane rock formation because you go there and you ask for a symbol. You ask for a symbol to, you know, you see many symbols, but eventually one symbol will stay or one idea. And that idea you bring back with you.

00:38:50:25 - 00:38:51:10

00:38:51:12 - 00:39:04:05
And that manifests here. Mm hmm. Whatever it is, a motivation or whatever you want to say, it opens with it. I whatever you want to do. Whatever Krishnamurti was doing in his white on white room. But we also, in shamanism always go.

00:39:04:17 - 00:39:25:08
The margin white room. As we have in magic, we have a different component. In my experience, of course, I only speak from my experience, which is the universal room, which means you basically have the sensation that wherever you are, this universe all over you. Like white on white on white. Or like a black room. Black.

00:39:25:11 - 00:39:26:10
And also different. Yeah.

00:39:26:12 - 00:39:30:17
A different idea. The same in my tradition. We have we have.

00:39:30:19 - 00:39:31:04

00:39:31:08 - 00:39:38:09
The Voice. Exactly. And the voice are pure creative force. We call it the creative and fertile chaos.

00:39:39:12 - 00:39:41:28
Which does exist, which is wonderful to go to again.

00:39:42:16 - 00:39:44:00
It's one of the most important.

00:39:44:27 - 00:39:46:20
Just to be there and just stay there in.

00:39:46:26 - 00:39:53:05
These voids you find on the fourth level, you see, because they are pure creative force.

00:39:53:17 - 00:40:00:23
Like Akasha is the fabric of the universe. Yes. And you want to play with a catchy one. You want to build out of that fabric.

00:40:00:25 - 00:40:01:10
You cats.

00:40:01:12 - 00:40:03:14
The weaving. And that's the idea of the sewing.

00:40:03:16 - 00:40:15:10
You just cannot hold it like other elements. Now it has a nature. Akasha will always expand. In other words, you hold it in your hand and at some point it just oozes out of your fingers. It cannot be controlled.

00:40:15:12 - 00:40:18:09
And that's dark energy. That's what science likes to call dark.

00:40:18:11 - 00:40:19:01
Dark energy or.

00:40:19:03 - 00:40:19:28
Dark matter.

00:40:20:00 - 00:40:20:19

00:40:20:21 - 00:40:21:27
But most of the universe's.

00:40:22:18 - 00:40:53:11
Cosmic souls, when we are passing physically, we're going through these matters. We are transitioning to these matters. We're learning. And what we do also is that we're offering a life experience to these matters. In other words, every soul experience, no matter on what level, contributes to the expansion of the current universe. You know, that's what the expansion of the universe is. It's not just a well, even inside, that's just a hypothetical theory.

00:40:53:15 - 00:41:19:13
They think it happens or they assume it happens because of some data. But from a spiritual point, we empty out our experience when we're really, really full, and that's when we go out. So while we're living our physicality, we are pouring our human experience every bit and give it to the greater ocean.

00:41:19:15 - 00:41:30:17
Like in shamanism, we give up our memories. Our great sacrifice is we live this life here. It's all a sacrifice. And you give your memories. Yeah. To the universe. It's. It's our gift.

00:41:30:19 - 00:41:31:15
Yeah. Yeah.

00:41:31:25 - 00:41:32:20
And then we move on.

00:41:32:22 - 00:41:34:02
Yeah. And then move on.

00:41:34:05 - 00:41:41:10
Because we don't keep our identity. I mean, when you go to the other side, we often say you get very young, you start to look like 25, 29. You know, you look.

00:41:41:17 - 00:41:42:09
More in your.

00:41:42:11 - 00:41:43:16
Thirties, which just.

00:41:43:18 - 00:41:50:26
You know, the good the good part. But the idea is also there's only one temperature. Yeah. Which is like 72 or 73 degrees.

00:41:50:29 - 00:41:51:14

00:41:51:16 - 00:41:55:27
And you know, younger and you feel great and your teeth are real teeth, you know, and.

00:41:55:29 - 00:42:00:01
And supposedly one year here is like one minute there.

00:42:01:29 - 00:42:03:26
In my experience, I have to say.

00:42:05:12 - 00:42:37:01
There are these souls who sometimes die, but they remain because they are loyal to a situation. They're waiting for somebody and they repeat the same day. You. Cause I have to wait until my fiancee comes back from the city to marry me. Completely oblivious from the experience that they may be got killed or poisoned. I had somebody who. Who was poisoned by a by an arrow and died.

00:42:37:03 - 00:42:42:20
But he said, I can't die. You know, my fiancee is coming, so I've got to wait here. And that

00:42:44:22 - 00:43:00:17
excuse me, that dude was there for like three, 400 years, basically waiting. And wherever I tried to tell him, Don't you want to move on? Don't you realize that no one's talking to you? Said, Don't talk to me about death. I'm not dead.

00:43:01:09 - 00:43:02:18
How do I know that you're not dead?

00:43:02:20 - 00:43:18:05
And he said, How do I know that you're not the dead one? So you see, from that perspective, we are the ghosts because we're coming to make trouble. But it was really and I said to, my God, what can I do with them? He said, eventually, eventually he will have a moment of.

00:43:19:05 - 00:43:22:00
Hmm. Someone will come get acknowledgement.

00:43:22:03 - 00:43:47:06
Yeah. Because if he realizes no one really has talked to me in about five years, or, you know, he will wake up and say something is off here. This is what they portrayed so well in this movie. The others? Yeah. You know. And the way they did it was fantastic. And I have to say, Nicole Kidman is my favorite actress. She plays it really well. But they capture the essence of what happens when you come to that moment of.

00:43:49:23 - 00:43:55:16
Self-Realization. You know, And in that movie, I don't want to see the.

00:43:55:18 - 00:43:56:29
Audience has to suffer, right?

00:43:57:14 - 00:43:58:16
Oh, yes, absolutely.

00:43:58:24 - 00:43:59:25
And so much of it.

00:44:00:09 - 00:44:24:19
And but in both movies, Sixth Sense and the others, it is a very, very good depiction of what it feels like when you're not being prepared to die or you don't anticipate it or you don't feel it, basically. See. But interesting enough also, we had enough experience of people who. Who? Through the spiritual work.

00:44:26:22 - 00:44:36:15
Very aware you set in in shamanism and in in the native language, they say today is a good day to die. You know, and I think this is a very specific very it's.

00:44:36:17 - 00:44:38:09
A Lakota saying right good day to you.

00:44:38:14 - 00:44:39:29
Which I think is an amazing.

00:44:42:09 - 00:45:07:17
Term. Well, that's why in shamanism you have to go through your voluntary Did you have to go through the full surrender. Right. You have to prepare your own bardo. That's what Tibetans call it, the bardo. But you go through various chambers, various places. And if you can withstand it all, you become a shaman. But it is hell for a while. You go through your own living hell the hell you create out of your mind. You go through the heaven you create in your mind and you have to overcome.

00:45:07:19 - 00:45:29:06
But this is a very important process, I think. Also, let me say this. When you do any form of healing work or magic work, you know, there's a healer, there's a magician. So when you do any kind of this work, you cannot do the work without doing shadow work. You know, you have to confront your shadows.

00:45:29:29 - 00:45:32:21
And you have to dive to your old self and be dismissed away.

00:45:33:05 - 00:46:04:08
I mean, that's the way to say it. But you have to do it. You have to do shadow work. It would go too far now to explain why that's important. But the idea is that a part of your shadow is also to confront your own darkness if you want. And in in my tradition, we have it's in the process, of course. And after months and months of training, you have a night in which you have to be by yourself in a very specific way.

00:46:04:17 - 00:46:14:08
And you're not allowed to talk or not allowed to go to pee. You are allowed to drink. You're not allowed to move. It's just you and the candle and the dark room and basically, you know.

00:46:15:03 - 00:46:20:15
Without friends. Oh, and they were all around us and they would record it. It's terrible.

00:46:20:25 - 00:46:30:14
Oh, yes. But it is the idea of confronting the shadow because the confrontation of the shadow will give you power over your true self. Yes. And so.

00:46:32:01 - 00:46:43:26
The process of death and passing through is. In its essence, a reclaiming of your true power. That is the idea.

00:46:43:28 - 00:46:46:27
And while I was going through this voluntary death samadhi, somebody.

00:46:48:26 - 00:47:21:19
I built a house. I eventually built this house. I left everything. And I asked for this house, a physical house. And this priest came and he said, I want to build a house for a shaman. And he started to build me a house, which was quite an amazing thing because I was paying him and, you know, women would come, these Indians, and they would sing into the walls of the house and hit their backs to the wall. It was amazing. But just as that all finished and I had been through this near-death birds started to fly out of the sky and die next to me. Mm hmm. They would just come right next to my foot and die.

00:47:22:01 - 00:47:26:26
Usually when I was growing my vegetables, you know, at that time, I was growing my own vegetables right at the house.

00:47:26:28 - 00:47:32:10
And should we. Should We mentioned the idea of death in animals. Mm hmm. Well, animals, when they.

00:47:32:12 - 00:47:35:23
Die, they take the Rainbow Bridge. They do not take the tunnel that.

00:47:35:25 - 00:47:46:04
We is in. I'm telling you, the concept of the Rainbow Bridge, it's. It's like a wonderful fantasy Disney thing. It's almost real. I'm telling you, it's almost real because.

00:47:46:07 - 00:47:48:24
It's not the bridge to Valhalla. And we're talking about what.

00:47:48:26 - 00:48:05:18
I understood with the animal spirit or the this the the anima of the of the of an animal. Is that they don't reincarnate. So your dark Billy is not your horse, Joey. Okay.

00:48:05:26 - 00:48:07:25
And you don't incarnate into a different phylum?

00:48:08:22 - 00:48:09:07

00:48:09:11 - 00:48:09:26

00:48:09:28 - 00:48:30:10
No. Humans don't become animals. Trees don't become humans. That is not metaphorical. That is not nonsense. Not even metaphorical. Whoever built this, you know, they say Buddha remembered himself as a tree, a horse and animals. No. Whatever he smoked. Trust me. Whatever he smoked. No violence. Don't change. But what?

00:48:30:15 - 00:48:31:19
It was only come once.

00:48:31:21 - 00:49:06:13
Only come once. Exactly. And they say they come. Especially this spirit in animal in the animal world, which is the domesticated spirit. Which means that the animal has chosen you as well, at a certain point to be a companion. So, of course, my guide said, you know, and I said, Oh, my God, you know, our dog died. And he was like. 18, 19 or 20. And he said, you know, they're not supposed to get that old. You know, in nature, an animal is maybe here, let's say, you know, most of them ten years, eight, ten years.

00:49:07:03 - 00:49:33:00
Of course, we have exceptions of elephants and turtles, you know, who go into the hundreds, but an animal will surpass its time. To comfort you. Mhm. So the ah. The next thing to angels. That's what I want to say. You know in that sense. But once they pass they pass. And one of the best things, what I was happy my father said who picked you up. Is that your brother, you.

00:49:33:15 - 00:49:34:00

00:49:34:02 - 00:49:53:13
Said Billy came his most favorite loved. He loved that dog. And that's who picked him up. And he knew that's the dog that died. I'm glad you say everything else didn't come in sin, but that dog's it. Okay. Your time. Time to move.

00:49:53:15 - 00:49:57:08
And all your animals from past lives. Then you. When you die.

00:49:57:10 - 00:50:12:03
When you pass, you meet every pet you ever come in, every physical incarnation. Absolutely. And they can pick you up. And also, that's why when you have it's a sad story, when you have animals who come and die in front of your door, which is.

00:50:12:07 - 00:50:12:22

00:50:12:24 - 00:50:13:20
Many times.

00:50:13:22 - 00:50:14:07

00:50:14:09 - 00:50:30:16
Owl can. But that's exactly that's exactly what it means. It the animal chooses the vibration of a healer or a spiritual home. Let's say it like this and energetic come a lift home in order to pass through. That is the idea.

00:50:30:18 - 00:50:31:11
Of a doorway being.

00:50:31:13 - 00:50:33:16
It becomes a doorway with a whole house. Right?

00:50:33:18 - 00:50:36:27
People used to see orange orbs, you know, always going through the house.

00:50:36:29 - 00:50:37:14

00:50:37:16 - 00:50:40:20
You know, And no one ever wanted a house at my house because, yeah.

00:50:41:09 - 00:51:19:08
Too much would happen. But the idea is, when we connect to an animal, of course, like to a human and we call them families, then their passing is very, very similar to. Very similar to to the passing of a human. In other words, I've seen dark hauntings, in part because the dog was so loyal, so loyal to its master or to its human that it. Not not state it's not like this, but chose to project its spirit to the owner and say, I'm still here.

00:51:19:10 - 00:51:26:02
I'm waiting for you. And these bonds, by the way, on a spiritual level of the strongest bonds, is other bonds to animals.

00:51:26:11 - 00:51:32:00
The bonds to their extraterrestrials, animals. They're the closest thing to it. Look how they they appear.

00:51:32:02 - 00:51:39:03
So I have to say, real aliens are angels because they're all cuckoo. But that's a different podcast.

00:51:39:12 - 00:51:41:03
But the psychotic angels.

00:51:41:05 - 00:52:19:18
This is how we got the nuts. But the idea is this is how we see death. Interesting enough. You see, there is no punishment. There is no hell, there is no heaven. There is no nonsense like this. No, there is really an approach, a return to true normality, truth, authenticity. And that's why everybody says it felt. I felt so much love and so much peace, because that is what it should feel like when you're entering a place like this, you know, and there's love and forgiveness and all these good feelings, basically.

00:52:20:21 - 00:52:27:18
But there is no scoreboard in some sense of you down the hole. Of course not. It would be ridiculous.

00:52:27:20 - 00:52:58:08
A lot of the dead visitors like my father used to sit in the living room or my mother, you know, would appear, you know, naked swimming and all those and greens because she died. Of course, when my mother died, the, the we were outside remember on the balcony and a giant deer came with the horns, the stag and just stood and stared at us. And that had never happened, you know, in the middle of L.A., in the middle of our backyard, you know, there's not that much room for a giant, giant stag.

00:52:59:06 - 00:53:03:18
And that was that was the spirit of the forest telling us about my mother.

00:53:03:20 - 00:53:08:07
So both we both had experiences of being companions to death.

00:53:08:22 - 00:53:39:12
Well, the most important thing was when we had a workshop in England about the other side, about magic. So we were there doing a lot of magic. We were doing rituals and we were building, building magical energy. And we were in the house of a woman, Miss Ryder, and she had done a lot of philanthropy, was very, very Christian and Catholic. And, you know, she had owned this this beautiful mansion in Buckinghamshire. And there we were in the house doing all this.

00:53:39:14 - 00:53:43:22
We're building so much energy. And there she was. She just appeared. I mean, she's been dead for.

00:53:43:25 - 00:53:44:23
Everybody to see.

00:53:44:25 - 00:54:24:25
For everybody to see the whole workshop. I mean, she probably did 60 years long and her portrait is also in every room. And there she was dressed in the same dress as in the portrait. And she came and she asked me, Do you want some tea? I looked at her and I thought. This is the woman from the home. And while I was in the house, I remember that all the windows burst open in the middle of the night, and I had to like what's happening. And of course, you know, she gave a lot of hints and she started to come up to different people in the workshop and offer them tea or just to have a conversation.

00:54:25:06 - 00:54:44:01
And she wasn't a dead person and looks exactly like I'm looking at you now. Mm hmm. I don't see any difference between the dead visiting or, you know. And then, of course, one woman said, you know, I left the room and I missed it and I didn't get to see her. So there she was in the garden, waving. Mm hmm. And she walked to her grave and disappeared.

00:54:44:08 - 00:55:02:15
But now that was. And why is. Why is this happening? Because you provided the ethereal energy. And that is something that, you know, every religion speaks about spirits and everything. But once you tell somebody you saw them, they'll think you're crazy. You know, it's beyond.

00:55:02:18 - 00:55:03:15
But everybody saw.

00:55:03:19 - 00:55:25:24
The ugly and everybody saw her. And again, I think that the phenomenon you know, I think that when you do spiritual healing work, especially shamanism or when you do temple work and you really are in charge of control of the energy, you're providing a intersection of communication. And there's nothing scary about it. There's nothing negative about it. These were.

00:55:25:26 - 00:55:27:23
Beautiful rituals. Yeah, they are all.

00:55:27:25 - 00:56:02:29
Doing, you know. But when a spirit thinks it's been unjustly analyzed or mistreated or anything, it will go for it. You know, it's just the nature of it. And that's what we call a haunting and so on. But you shouldn't be afraid of it. But you know what? Let's let's offer a friends a little bit of a solution. When some people will have, you know, older parents and someone or somebody sick to take care of, what should they do in shamanism? What is the first thing that you would say, Do this if you want to support this?

00:56:04:17 - 00:56:36:10
Well, first of all, you're the witness. So they are starting to go through their regrets. And if you give them enough space so you give them a certain feeling that you're there, something breaks in them, you know, and people start to forgive those kids that they haven't spoken to or those people that they've been so angry all their life or what they're holding onto as secrets in their past. Not everybody says their secrets. Not everybody says their regrets. But regrets is the lowest emotion.

00:56:36:12 - 00:56:40:03
Yeah. So if they can come out of this, lowest emotions.

00:56:40:05 - 00:56:40:24
Would be good here.

00:56:41:04 - 00:56:57:21
Because many times, you know, people have died in my arms or many of my friends, they go to their parents and their parents at the moment of death dies in their arms, which is very rare because when you die, you really want to be just between you and divinity. Mm hmm. You don't view in spirit. You don't really want other people around much.

00:56:58:01 - 00:56:59:13
Right. It's a very private.

00:56:59:16 - 00:57:11:15
Very private, but very holy. Mm hmm. And so you. You don't do a rite of passage or whatever. You don't say it. That kind of thing to them. Like, I have to pray for you and the. You don't. Do you show compassion?

00:57:11:17 - 00:57:31:09
Just did it at our with a lawyer. We did our will just before we started this podcast. And one choice that we sign for is if something happens to me, I don't want any life extending measures. I don't want any machines. I want nothing. Take what you can use and just burn the rest. You know.

00:57:31:26 - 00:58:00:08
It's it's well, you know, I used to be at dinner with my father's friends, and we're not open to any of this. Mm hmm. And, you know, the racing commissioner of Pennsylvania or whoever they were, and I would sit next to this woman and always I would just turn to her and say, So your husband died. You know, he's right here. And he has a message for you. And she just burst out crying. And I said what he wanted to say. And everybody at the table stopped their conversation to watch this.

00:58:00:10 - 00:58:00:25
I think this.

00:58:01:21 - 00:58:10:12
Was their only reference with Shirley MacLaine. But it didn't matter. I, I needed to say it. And that's you've done that many, many times. I did this way before I met you.

00:58:10:15 - 00:58:11:00

00:58:11:02 - 00:58:22:06
And one of the most beautiful things I have to just say it, that Christmas ever did, we were in Japan. And she had lost her child.

00:58:22:08 - 00:58:23:02
So our tour.

00:58:23:04 - 00:58:25:28
Guide. The tour guide. But she was also somebody who was becoming our friend.

00:58:26:00 - 00:58:26:15
A friend.

00:58:26:19 - 00:58:57:07
And Hiromi. And when she lost this child, it was she developed cancer after that. And lots of things happened to her. And she had just come out of that huge grief. So Christos saw her daughter behind her and took a photograph. And so she got to see her own daughter in the photograph. The whole family saw the photograph. She put in a frame and they venerated it. And she was exactly the age she would have grown into it. She would have been 16.

00:58:57:09 - 00:59:18:15
Mm hmm. And then you did that again, Of course, for this other family, this husband and wife. Their daughter died in a car crash. Mm hmm. Wasn't it? And. And so. And Chris just took a photograph of the daughter so that they would believe that that the daughter was still around them and alive and wanting to communicate.

00:59:18:25 - 00:59:25:04
Because in that workshop, if they listen, they know exactly who they are. But in that workshop, the daughter said.

00:59:26:22 - 00:59:44:21
He will. My father will not heal or overcome his grief unless he understands and believes that life goes on. I am not dead. Yes. And this is a line that I heard from every person. I am not dead. Once they passed.

00:59:44:26 - 00:59:45:29
A woman in Argentina.

00:59:46:01 - 01:00:10:15
I said that same idea. And I said to him, Do me a favor. Just be open and sit quiet and just be open. And I bent out a cup with my old iPhone. It was this iPhone six or something. And I been a couple of photos out. You know, the Polaroids in the seventies were much better for that stuff. You know, this slow resolution of that were great for Spirit capturing. So

01:00:12:15 - 01:00:32:12
I had this iPhone which felt like 20 times basically it was broken. But I bank this and there she was. And then I showed it to him. I gave him the image and I said of your kay. He says, I can see it, I can believe it. And you could you could see how his aura.

01:00:35:07 - 01:00:35:28
It really helped.

01:00:36:00 - 01:00:42:23
Them. It helped them. It helped them to accept. What happened, but it also helped them to accept there's.

01:00:42:25 - 01:00:43:13
A world beyond.

01:00:43:15 - 01:00:45:08
That is a world beyond. Except we.

01:00:45:10 - 01:00:45:25
Don't really.

01:00:45:27 - 01:00:52:21
Die. My my most. These are my most favorite moments after, say, see also. And this is when you.

01:00:52:23 - 01:00:56:22
Captured my dead mother as a Japanese woman. She dressed up. My father came. You know.

01:00:56:25 - 01:00:59:04
Your mother was always your mother was always very fashionable.

01:00:59:16 - 01:01:02:13
Even my spiritual guide to photograph. Yes, Well, we were.

01:01:02:16 - 01:01:19:17
This is what I want to say is and let's go back to the the idea. What can we do to help somebody? I think something you can do is to offer the person, if that's in the possibility, some form of relief. You know, the idea of contracts, the idea of confession.

01:01:20:24 - 01:01:22:11
And that's a wonderful thing to do.

01:01:22:19 - 01:01:28:15
Not in a religious form, of course. It does make sense. So sometimes we can be lightning.

01:01:28:17 - 01:01:29:02
The bird.

01:01:29:04 - 01:01:40:16
In lightning. Exactly. Exactly. So that is something that you can offer. But from my own experience, don't think that you know best what they need. You see.

01:01:40:18 - 01:01:45:21
Like when your friend was dying, you were there. And the minute you were not by his side, that's when he died.

01:01:45:23 - 01:02:14:06
That's when he died, you know. And I said, Don't worry. And there I'll take care of you. You know, I mean, I was and I just, I think went out and got to P and came back and he died. And I thought, why did I had to go to pee? You know, I'm sitting here for 20 hours, you know, And he showed up and he said, you know, don't do that again. You know, and you basically just interrupt my process by just sitting there and talking. I just shut up, you know, just shut up. And I thought, okay, he's really dead, you know?

01:02:14:10 - 01:02:18:00
Well, why did you come back from the dead? Was the nurse said to you.

01:02:18:06 - 01:02:19:12
Your mother needs.

01:02:19:14 - 01:02:22:22
You and that's when you came back. You had her for that.

01:02:22:24 - 01:02:47:17
I didn't talk to the woman for a year, but that's. I remember really coming out. I remember my grandmother. Remember the light. And I hear this. Your mother needs you. Mm hmm. Okay. So that gives you a little insight in my damage. But what you can do is, again, the same with the idea for the end, for the to finish this podcast a little bit,

01:02:49:02 - 01:03:20:00
what they can do. I think what you can do is really offer symbols. There are certain symbols that we have. We have a whole video on death and rebirth, by the way, with a lot of we light a candle, we light a candle for the people, usually a yellow candle, because it represents life and and rebirth and the sun and the light. We can pray for them. We can take a photo and wrap it in pages of Lazarus from the Bible. Not in a religious sense, but because he speaks of resurrection.

01:03:20:02 - 01:03:28:24
Read to them whatever they believe. The Tibetan book of living and dying, the of single dying that so many books. Yes. The Egyptian book of yeah, the coming forth, but.

01:03:28:26 - 01:03:51:00
Also respect if they want to be alone, you know so dying is a very. In the end, it's a very, very private event between you and the universe and. It is such a delicate place. You know, when you have 50 people around moaning and crying, it just disrupts the whole idea.

01:03:51:12 - 01:03:54:20
And people do like to come to their funerals, though, after they die.

01:03:54:22 - 01:04:13:28
Of course, they want the gossip. I mean, you know, gossip, you know. But the idea is especially because also we decided to I decided I want to be cremated. I just have this one rule. Wait three days before you burn the body because it takes time for the spirit to detach. You know, it takes a little bit time and so.

01:04:14:06 - 01:04:16:20
Mean people wait 45 days before the end.

01:04:16:22 - 01:04:31:00
Right. But but again, if it comes to cremation, because it's such a drastic detachment from the from the material, you know, just give it a moment. I mean, it's not like take the kerosene and burn them up, you know, just the moment they have the last breath.

01:04:31:06 - 01:04:35:16
Because I say you're out of your body when you die, you can also travel. You can go all around the earth.

01:04:35:18 - 01:05:08:03
And that's exactly what it is. And I think that, you know, I don't know you have this in this tradition. We have it in Greece, that we have the person in the house, we have the body, and we watch over the body. I think the Jews do it, you know, many traditions. The Irish do it. And what we think is and what we believe is that the soul says goodbye to her own body, but also feels protected because there is somebody looking or watching over the body. Now, of course, people are on the on, you know, on YouTube and on Tik Tok while the dead body sits there.

01:05:08:09 - 01:05:23:05
But traditionally, that's what we do. We honor. And then it takes about 40 days for a spirit to enter the the transcend the transcend realm. But energetically, boom, it's like this. And that through.

01:05:24:13 - 01:05:31:15
One of the most beautiful things you ever witness is when someone's very, very ill. There's always an archangel in front of the door.

01:05:31:17 - 01:05:34:01
Yeah. Or what we would call an angel.

01:05:34:12 - 01:05:35:02
Something, you know.

01:05:35:08 - 01:05:40:27
A light being is always there. Arching over. Absolutely.

01:05:41:14 - 01:05:53:03
Whenever you light a candle, one of these so called angels spirits come because they gave us the gift of candles. Right. And so whenever you light a candle, an angel always comes. Yes. No matter who.

01:05:53:05 - 01:05:54:14
No matter who you are and what you.

01:05:54:17 - 01:05:55:02
Ritual you.

01:05:55:04 - 01:06:15:02
Do. And again, don't get confused with angels and demons and good and bad. That is that doesn't exist on the other side. They are all light beings, you know. And in fact, the beings that come to help us transition are Luciferian beings, you know, the most brightest of all if you want. So, you know, no document, no judgment.

01:06:15:10 - 01:06:16:03
Even ominous.

01:06:16:05 - 01:06:17:01
No, no.

01:06:17:06 - 01:06:18:19
You realize too many details anyway.

01:06:18:21 - 01:06:19:24
But you know what I want to say?

01:06:19:26 - 01:06:20:26
You don't realize everything.

01:06:20:28 - 01:06:32:22
No know. But what I want to say is also, when people are mean to you in life, that was going to be mean to you in spirit. In other words, you know that that mother in law who hates your guts for 20 years and finally dies, you know.

01:06:33:28 - 01:06:38:24
We have to see them on the other side. No, no, don't have to see anyone want to see, you know.

01:06:39:20 - 01:06:40:06
You know.

01:06:40:26 - 01:06:49:15
But so be kind to each other here. Then they want to see you. And there, you know, because a serial killer, when they die and they go to the other side, not many people.

01:06:49:17 - 01:07:24:19
Come, you know. But also, do people die? Do some people die with higher honors in higher vibration? Yes. It's the people who don bitch all the time who don't complain all the time. That means all those parents out there, you know, you have a very bad chance of getting anywhere. You know, it really the one thing I think which annoys Spirit more than anything is, you know, I would say ego and entitlement, you know, and expectation and, you know, bitching, moaning, complaining, no, this doesn't end you on a nice vibe.

01:07:25:00 - 01:07:41:00
Well, one thing you love is when somebody is walking past you and they're snowing, meaning snow is like falling on them because life after life, they've always kind of been in service. Right. And you can see them like a white snow or.

01:07:41:02 - 01:07:42:10
Right snow around them. Right.

01:07:42:17 - 01:08:10:08
And you see them in airports. You see them and they're rare. But you see them. Yeah, salt of the earth kind of people. Yes, of course. And that always gives me hope when we see them. Or that time in L.A. when we were following that young black girl. Remember, she was like a she was young, she was been 12 or something. And we were following behind her because she had a huge aura like, you know, in the middle of Hollywood where really there's so many people around and not not the nicest hours. And there she was. Beautiful.

01:08:10:10 - 01:08:20:17
Interesting enough, you also will find these kind of people in the most obscure places where you think, why the hell would you come into this? Because that's what's needed. Light is needed where it's dark.

01:08:20:19 - 01:08:23:15
But she was a great soul and she was a future president.

01:08:23:17 - 01:08:24:02
Oh, yeah.

01:08:24:12 - 01:08:27:10
Black. It's beautiful. Beautiful. It's African-American.

01:08:27:12 - 01:08:32:05
I thought maybe she has a big chance to fulfill this contract, you know? But it was in there.

01:08:32:09 - 01:08:34:27
See, it's not physically what they look like. It's the aura.

01:08:34:29 - 01:08:35:24
Yeah, the energy.

01:08:36:02 - 01:08:36:21
If it's you.

01:08:36:23 - 01:08:47:18
So what you can do is a lot. Actually. Just don't interrupt somebody. Process and don't cry, Don't moan, don't make it about you.

01:08:47:20 - 01:08:49:27
Don't make it about your own. Exactly.

01:08:49:29 - 01:09:21:16
Don't make it about you. Even if the pain is real. A mother who loses a child. I can't tell her. Pull yourself together. No, but keep in mind, keep in mind that the moment the body has ended its physical function, the spirit is already on the other side. It's already in the light. So you're saying good bye. And you know what most people foster? I think they don't miss the person. They miss the feeling they had with the person. You know, it's the sensation. I'm never going to yell at them again.

01:09:21:18 - 01:09:40:09
We're never going to have an argument again. You know, I'm never going to have a chance to do amends in that. It's very often emotional reason why we grieve somebody's grief is a very important, very real emotion. It's just important also to connect, to grieve a form of celebration. And that is so nice in U.S. in.

01:09:40:11 - 01:09:42:04
New Orleans, when they celebrate, you.

01:09:42:06 - 01:09:43:13
Celebrate exactly.

01:09:43:29 - 01:09:52:13
Example, the musicians come and it's quite a party. Yeah, that I love more than anything that I would like to have. Yes, that feels correct.

01:09:52:22 - 01:09:55:02
Because it puts some money aside because that's going to cost.

01:09:55:06 - 01:09:57:06
And there is a celebration often on the other.

01:09:57:08 - 01:09:58:12
Side credit card for this.

01:09:58:14 - 01:10:03:06
Some people, when they go to the other side, it really is a party. No, it is quite a celebration.

01:10:03:08 - 01:10:19:08
It is a celebration. Absolutely. We go to the other side. There's always a party. There's always a party. Unless the soul says, I'm done. I want my peace. Give me a corner at Starbucks, you know, the spiritual Starbucks, and I don't want to talk to anybody. Well, that can happen.

01:10:19:10 - 01:10:32:22
We often say this, that every idea on Earth does not originate on Earth. It originates in the spiritual world and it is brought here. And it's not necessarily the idea you created or the book you created or the movie you created. It could be somebody else's idea, but you.

01:10:33:00 - 01:10:33:15

01:10:33:17 - 01:10:37:28
It, you channel it, or you are in tune with it. You're in a similar frame.

01:10:38:20 - 01:10:52:17
Idea gets lost in energy. And just because you start an idea and don't complete it doesn't mean the idea is gone. The idea will continue to find its next best channel. Beyond death and beyond death, just like.

01:10:52:19 - 01:10:58:19
The stratosphere is a place where all our achievements are. Yeah, every achievement of everyone is still circling the earth.

01:10:58:21 - 01:11:00:22
Nicholas Tesla's dream of free energy.

01:11:01:02 - 01:11:01:17
At the.

01:11:01:19 - 01:11:46:08
Stratosphere. Now, we just read this morning that there really? Or that a breakthrough in nuclear fusion. Something to create free energy, basically. We've talked about this already. See? And so just because Nicolas Tesla got it to a certain point and whatever happened, we don't want to speculate. But the idea was there. It was born. It was in the theory of matter. It it transcends life and death. So the idea because valuable to humanity, valuable to all people, that's what speeds these kind of experiences up very often resulted into having a breakthrough in nuclear fusion where you can create free energy.

01:11:46:24 - 01:11:49:23
This is the timeframe where we are.

01:11:49:26 - 01:11:54:16
And then there's the graveyard. People are so afraid of graveyards and what could be there.

01:11:54:18 - 01:12:26:20
But this is all about religious nonsense. Ridiculous, of course. I mean, there is nobody sitting at the grave, okay? There is nobody with the sheet over the head, you know, running around. Forget that a graveyard is a place where we we when we see a grave, it represents the person's achievements. It's complete achievement, right? In hoodoo, for example, they would go to a famous grave to pick up some dust or some earth if it's possible, or to get special.

01:12:26:27 - 01:12:27:28
To show somebody.

01:12:28:00 - 01:12:37:23
Anything like this that you can use in your energy. Exactly. And we don't worship the dead, but what we do is we honor them right.

01:12:37:29 - 01:12:39:12
On such a peaceful place.

01:12:39:20 - 01:12:58:12
And that's what it is. It's it's you know, I think it's so crazy and say, you know, be careful to do black magic on it. You know, they kill people. It's impossible. It's sanctified ground. It's sacred ground. How can you kill of the sacred ground? I mean, again, it's another stupidity by, you know, paranoid people, people who have no idea what they're talking about.

01:12:58:16 - 01:13:07:28
And Hollywood will shamans always take me to graveyards? Yeah, They were always doing rituals in a graveyard. Not necessarily necromancy, but we were doing things. I used to go.

01:13:08:00 - 01:13:29:10
I used to go from meditation to graveyards. And, of course, you know, no fear. They used to ask me, Why are you there? I said, I'm looking for a great apartment. I mean, what else do you say? Yeah, yeah, but we're coming to the end of the year, which is a death of, you know, of sort the 2022, the winter solstice. Exactly. And we want to wish you

01:13:30:27 - 01:13:34:18
we're going to talk again. I mean, I hope we're going to manage to do another one.

01:13:35:01 - 01:13:36:23
Death incubates new life.

01:13:36:25 - 01:14:00:16
Absolutely. And I think this is what we want to give you at the end is to to think about transition and dimensional transition and not looking at as death or the end, but as as the Egyptians used to say, death is only the beginning. And that is one of my favorite mottos that the ancient world has given us in that sense.

01:14:00:25 - 01:14:02:09
In the boat of a million years.

01:14:02:22 - 01:14:12:08
Thank you so much for following us. Like subscribe share. Don't make me say it again because you know it's a tongue twister. Like subscribe and.

01:14:12:10 - 01:14:17:13
Share. And one of the things you like the most about death is that you enter the universe. You learn to fly in the.

01:14:17:16 - 01:14:26:04
Allowed to fly. That's why I would like to come back. But like, share and subscribe. Okay. So until we see you guys again and tell you again, oh.

01:14:26:13 - 01:14:27:20
Please, free at last.

01:14:27:22 - 01:14:49:01
Please share this podcast. Please talk to your friends about it. Forced them to listen to it, you know, and know put it on in the car or something. Do something and but, you know, we would be really, really grateful because we need your support. We need your support. And we have another, I think, two or three podcasts for a first season to complete.

01:14:49:06 - 01:14:50:07
And now they're coming first.

01:14:50:09 - 01:14:53:21
And then and then we will start with the second because we have finally and then.

01:14:53:23 - 01:14:56:25
Comes more Vimeo. So I'm making more in this. You're making videos.

01:14:56:27 - 01:15:01:09
I'm making videos and numerology ology and my training on.

01:15:02:05 - 01:15:04:07
And you're doing workshops now in December and yes.

01:15:04:09 - 01:15:04:24

01:15:04:26 - 01:15:12:07
Yeah. On the higher mine training, which is so rare that you ever teach this. It's one of the great trainings through her medical training.

01:15:12:09 - 01:15:27:26
This is coming up. So look forward. You know, at the end you have a little a little code. You can always look at a website or Facebook because he's on Facebook all the time and writes first thing before we even talk about it. He announces stuff already, which drives me crazy.

01:15:27:28 - 01:15:33:09
And I'm writing out Vimeo now because you have a new one coming, but they're very involved.

01:15:33:11 - 01:15:35:00
Absolutely we is. They'll get.

01:15:35:02 - 01:15:40:22
The library. Yeah, the next 50 are coming, so it's a 100. And eight females, right?

01:15:42:07 - 01:16:05:12
Sounds like fun in that in that in that sense. Have a great, great time. Have a good week. Have wonderful holidays. If you don't hear us anymore or we don't see each other. But you will because you share, like and subscribe. Okay. And I can't say that anymore. So thank you so much. We love you and we bless you. And until we meet again.

01:16:05:16 - 01:16:09:11
And in so many lies, my number one line was always, There's no such thing as death.

01:16:09:18 - 01:16:13:01
There you go. We established this not by.

People on this episode